Week 4 ~ The Office
If you would like to join our organizing challenge, sign up (here) on the event page. Once you are signed up, join the Home Organization 101 group page on Facebook (HERE). On this page, you can ask questions, post pictures, and support each other during this 14 week process.
I only have one rule for the challenge.
If you are joining the challenge, please place the challenge button on your blog. If you don’t have a blog, please share the challenge on your Facebook page, Twitter, or Instagram.

Home Organization 101 will continue for 14 weeks. Each Saturday, I will post a new “space” along with pictures of my finished space and share the process of how you can organize yours. You can take as long as you need, and once you are finished organizing your space, come back here to this post and link up your blog (with pictures) to share with all of us. If you do not have a blog, you can take pictures and share them on our Facebook group page (here). Questions, ask away… Our facebook page is the best place to ask them. Have fun! Now lets get organized.
WEEK 4 – The Office
This week, your goal is to clean & organize your office “space”. If you do not have an office, you can clean and organize the area that you keep your paperwork & bills, etc. Everyone has a paper pile, right? Every paper needs to be touched, read, and dealt with.
1. Take a picture of your space before you start.
2. Make sure you have 6 large bins or boxes, one for each of the following… 1 for papers that need shredded, 1 for things that need donated, 1 for paperwork that needs to be filed, 1 for items that belong in other rooms, 1 for items that stay in the office, and 1 for trash.
3. Give yourself at least 2 hours to go through your paperwork… all of it! Each paper will be placed in one of the following bins (shred, file, trash). You are not organizing at this time. Just separating.
4. Go through everything else. If it doesnt belong, place it in the “other room” bin.
5. After you have gone through everything, it should all be in bins or boxes.
6. At this time, wipe down your desk, shelves, and sweep/vacuum/mop the area. Clean it up really well.
7. Now you can organize all paperwork into a filing system. I share the categories I use below. Approximately 50% of the papers you have now should be tossed.
8. Create a mail station (below). You will need one to get control of the incoming paper clutter.
9. Organize your books & everything else to look pleasing to the eye.
Thats it! Now take a picture and share with us.
Is this paper necessary to keep? (Taxes, etc)
Is it needed in the future?
Do I have a place for it?
If you answered no, toss it! (Shred if it has personal information on it).
Categorize everything you can. Use boxes, bins, baskets and drawers. Organize your books. Organize your pens & pencils. Organize everything that is remaining in the space. Categorizing makes it look neat. Good luck! Dont forget to link up when you are finished. Ask questions on our Facebook group page.
My vintage cart houses my binders. 🙂 I use these on a daily basis so they need to be accessible. Keeping my daily schedule visible helps to keep me to stay on track! This chalkboard does the trick well!
My friend Alejandra raved about these binders… so I had to try them out. She was right. They are the perfect binder (from Staples)! The binders fit perfectly on a kitchen baking sheet organizer.
Using a dish organizer for your binders to slide in and out is a great trick!!
Click on the picture to see the source.
Below the binders, I have boxes & bins. These are used for misc. items. My camera bag hangs from the side of the cart.
Below, I keep extra manilla folders in a bin.
I purchased an inexpensive desk, chair & shelving at Ikea. They do the job well!
The containers below hold markers, pens, sharpies, & pencils.
I love my collection of vintage clocks!
This cute hanging organizer is from Ikea.
The ceramic egg dish is from Jo Ann Fabrics (I found it during Easter time). Its great for small things that are used often. I also have one in my bedroom for my “every day” jewelry. If you dont want to wait until easter, you can also purchase them on www.amazon.com.
My mail station is used for sorting mail and kids school papers. I have gone into detail with this station (here). It lives on my desk, here in the office. I used to keep it in my kitchen, but I have declared my kitchen ” paper free”. That means no mail, school work, or papers of any kind go in there. The system is working well!
My file folders are labeled:Abigail – School papersGavin – School papers
Alex – School papers
Incoming mail
Outgoing Mail
To File
To Pay
Sign & Return
* I go through the school papers once per quarter & archive what I want to save & toss the rest.
I keep my Erin Condren planner as well as my “budgeting” sheets (on the clipboard) in the front.
The #1 must have organizing item in every home… The LABELER! This labeler creates the 1″ labels that I use everywhere in my home & on my binders. Using 1″ makes a HUGE difference!!
Click on the picture below to get the details on my labeler of choice…
You can also purchase it at Amazon.com (here).
Colorful note paper or sticky notes is a must on any organized desk!
I purchased this drawer system at Ikea. Its the “Alex” unit. I use it to store all of my office supplies.
Each drawer contains a different “category”. My categories are:
1. Supplies (Binder clips, paper clips, push pins, etc)
2. Stickies (sticky notes, tabs, stickers, etc)
3. Tools (straight cutter, staple, staple remover, hole puncher)
4. Budget (check book, calculator, cash envelope system)
5. Supplies (white out, tape, command hooks, etc)
6. Markers
7. Mail (envelopes, stamps, address labels)
8. Labelers (and label tape)
9. Crafts
Creating a “rainbow” effect with books is very pleasing to the eye.
Setting up a space to read creates a cozy environment in your office. Most of my office furniture is from Ikea, with the exception of the printer cabinet. Its from Target. I purchased my pillow at a local boutique shop here in Charleston, SC
A place to put magazines where they are accessible to read is a great tip!
A good filing system is an absolute MUST to create & keep an organized office. I purchased my filing cabinet on wheels at The Container Store. My file folders are from Staples.
Smead File Folders…
My files are organized into the following sections:
RED Folders
Medical (All family members have a separate folder)
ORANGE Folders
1. Travel
2. Blog
3. Shaklee
4. John (personal)
5. Toni (personal)
7. Pay Stubs
8. Vet receipts
YELLOW Folders
1. Home Owner Policy
2. Auto Policy
3. Insurance Claims
4. Health Insurance
5. Prescription Coverage
6. Warranties
7. Credit Reports
8. SSI
GREEN Folders
1. Bank #1
2. Bank #2
3. Retirement
4. Tax Receipts
5. Paid Off
6. My Husbands Work
7. Blog Income
8. Shaklee Income
BLUE Folders
1. Utilities
2. House
3. Paid Bills (6 folders – 1 for every 2 months). I throw these papers out at the end of the year.
I wanted to mention that we keep our tax records in my husbands office (we are blessed to have 2 offices in our home). The picture below shows his filing system and how we organize the “taxes”. Also, (here) is an older post that I shared on my filing system. It has since been updated and the files moved to my office… but the tax papers still remain in his.
JUSTORGANIZEYOURSTUFFNOW.COM is one of my blog sponsors. If you have not checked out her website, she has an AWESOME system for getting the paper clutter organized. Its wonderful.
More from Just Organize your Stuff Now…
An algorithm for organizing. “Should you keep that paper?”from JOYS. Click on the picture for more goodies at her website!
Her website goes on and on… I could be on there for day!
A cabinet devoted to the printer & supplies makes it easier to find what you are looking for. My cabinet contains:
1. Printer paper (cardstock, plain, colorful, resume, etc…)
2. Printer Ink
3. Photo paper
4. Extra binder dividers & file folders
5. Silhouette SD machine, Neat Receipts, and Laminating Machine.
Tags: home office organization, how to organize the office, office, office organization
binders, Blog, Decorate, Decorating, filing, Home Organization 101, Office, Organize, our home, Slider Posted in
I love those galvanized boxes with the number tags! Can you tell me where you got them? Your whole office is fantastic.
Jan, they are from Pottery Barn. 🙂
Beautiful Office Space! Love the black and white Happiness is..print. Where did you find it. I have a similiar one and would love to add that one to my hallway!
Natalie, I purchased it last year at home goods. 🙂
love this! I do not have an office, but have a corner of the front room for homeschool and my “office”. This is just what I needed to see to get my butt off the computer and to get organized! Thanks for the tour, love everything you did!
wow ! nicely done. thanks for shearing it with us. keep it up.
Bathroom Remodeling Arlington VA
where did u get the baking pan organizer from?
I love the way u organized ur book’s by color!
This is my favourite week of the challenge so far. You’ve really outdone yourself with this one. Fantastic organization. Beautiful too. I think I pinned just about everything on this page! I can’t wait to implement some of these ideas in my own office. Thanks and good luck in the contest!
OMG!! This is an amazing post! So inspiring! At the moment I’m slowly sorting papers and organizing the desk but this goes way beyond what I thought was possible!! Thanks for posting!!
OMG! I am so in love with your space! This is a fabulous office! I am very jealous! But you have inspired me to work on our little space! I do not have a devoted room but an area and this will help a lot! Thanks!
I would really love to see inside those binders of yours! I’m working on creating a binder system and love looking at inspiration.
What is the difference in the way you use your binders and your files?
Great job on the office. Beautiful and functional! I am wanting to know what is in the white boxes in the bookcase. Are these scrapbook supplies? I trying to decide to store my scrapbook supplies in my office or not.
What a wonderful space! I love the pillow! We moved away from our home state of South Carolina two years ago. We miss it terribly! Does the boutique you purchased the pillow from sell them online? Many thanks!
Like brenjen above, I’d really love to know what you use the binders for vs. what you use the files for. Inquiring minds want to know!!! 🙂
Beautiful office space… you are a true inspiration to us all!
Amazing office space! I love how all the bright colors are mixed in!
what is the labeler? which one? I couldn’t find what to click on!
Judy, Here is a link to the labeler.
ok, it’s the Brother PT-2730. Considered overkill for home user by many! but, oh well…………
(Staples has it for less than A….z right now!)
Stunning office!! My office is a little bit of a mess right now and I needed some inspiration to get it into shape. You have shared such practical ideas to implement. Thank you!
I love your office! Where do you get wire mail system holder? I love that you have few wire basket and magazine holder!
Christy, Its from Home Goods. 🙂
just bought the labeler! a totally irresponsible purchase, from financial standpoint! Don’t even have anything to label right now! 🙂
hahahhahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 hours for my papers! try 2 months!!!! hahahahahahahah!!!!!!
I’ll be a third person to chime in that I want to know what you keep in the binders vs. what you file.
It’s really lovely looking.
me too, re: binders!
Oh, Toni…………….
Beautiful office! I would also love to why you have the binders and files for similar categories in your filing drawer. I am forever trying to decide what goes in my filing cabinet and what would need a binder instead. Please tell! Thank you!
Your office is BEAUTIFUL! I see that NeatReceipts box in your printer cabinet. Check out YouTube videos of combining Evernote and the Fujitsu ScanSnap scanner. It will CHANGE YOUR LIFE. I can’t imagine having boxes full of paper anymore. 99% of my stuff got/gets scanned in, and then shredded. LOVE IT!
What is in the white boxes on the bookcase
I just really…REALLY… wanted to express my appreciation for this particular blog post. I am a perfectionist in every aspect of my life, but have never developed a successful way to organize my home office so that I do not let papers (and junk) pile up for months before I finally sit down to file/toss them.
You went into SO MUCH DETAIL about what each drawer, file, and folder has in it, as well as how to organize it once it is there, that I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart. This detailed post (and your detailed photos) has given me the inspiration I need to finally get organized from the start, so that I stay organized and feel more relaxed.
Thank you!
Also chiming in about what is kept in binders vs files??
Beautiful!!! If only….
YOUR BLOG HAS CHANGED MY LIFE… I’m behind a few weeks, but so far, I’m already feeling stress just drop away by each day of work I do. I am a Stay At Home Mom, with physical ailments that only allow for me to do hard housework for maybe 30 minutes a day. We are military, my husband is deployed, I’m a devout couponer, and for the LIFE of me I can not get my office organized… I AM LOVING your techniques and ideas, and most appreciative of the time you spent to show us how each drawer/shelf/basket/file cabinet, EVERYTHING is organized down to where to put our push pins… I NEEDED this blog in my life right at this very moment… you have helped inspire me and CHANGED my life… with a deployed Hubby, that truly means the world to me right now.
PS I TOO would like to know what’s in the folders/file thing. 🙂 THANK YOU AGAIN!
Amanda, Thanks for your feedback! Im glad its helping you!
I love this! I am headed to IKEA to get the Alex unit but I was wondering where the dividers are from that you used inside the Alex unit. They seem to fit perfectly.
I have just found your blog and its my new favourite!
Your office is both amazing and perfect. I’m going to pin this for future inspiration. Thanks so much for sharing.
Is there a link party for The Office? I have a blog post I’d like to share 🙂
I need to reinstall the link parties. Keep checking back. 😉
Me four! I also would like to know how you differentiate, specifically, what you place in file folders vs. your binder “files.”. My office/craft room/ sewing room is my most challenging space for organization. I become anxious as soon as I begin the trash or stash process. I know our files need to be whittled down, but what to keep and what to shred? Any guidelines or “rules of thumb” that you employ?
Time for me to get busy! THANKS FOR THE MOTIVATION!!
also, where did you find that great wire magazine rack?
Hello, I log on to your new stuff regularly. Your story-telling style
is awesome, keep it up!
If you ever do get around to answering everyone’s questions about what you keep in your files vs. your binders (which I could see might need a whole blog post on it’s own), could you put a link to it here with this post? I keep checking back here to see if you’ve answered the question in the comments, but each time all I find are more people asking what you do.
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I votes for you at picket fences 🙂 Thank you so much for your continued inspiration as I just finished creating my mail sorter and my new file system, which I patterned after yours. I have to smile because I noticed in one of your photos that we have the same Martha Stewart file folders. I got them at Staples with my Staple Rewards. My grand total cost for creating my new paper organization system? $0! Yay for being thrifty!
Love the look and idea of the binders, but how do you use them? What are their main purpose?
The home organization week is a wonderful one and you can know all about it
Love how beautiful your office is.
My only issue is that your Smead files are not alphabetized. This is odd considering how organized you are. Color code files yes, but then alphabetize!
Your office is beautiful and you think of everything! WOW!!
I want to thank-you for sharing your office. I am an organizer wannabe and I just adore what you have done. Because I am more of a romantic at heart I convinced my husband to buy an antique farmhouse. It is charming but lacks closets and we have 5 children! I happened upon your blog and just had to take a minute to thank-you. I am in desparate need of an office and LOVE yours! Keep inspiring!!!
WOW! I love it. I will be organizing my way through this winter because I’m moving in with my boyfriend in the spring and want to take only the important things as we begin our life together. Great blog with great info. LOVE the office and will “borrow” a lot of your ideas! Thank you!
Any suggestions for a “portable office”? I always need to bring my stuff over the dining table…
Yes… Here is my blog post sharing my portable office. http://www.abowlfulloflemons.net/2011/02/how-i-organize-with-totes.html
Thank you!
Btw, what are the other Thirty One Gifts items that you use?
I, too, wondered where you purchased the organization boxes within the Alex unit drawers.
They are from Ikea 🙂
Hi, I love your website and am currently sitting among bins sorting papers as you instructed. I was wondering about the little buckets you have over your desk that hold pins, markers, etc. I have searched IKEA for them and cannot find them. Can you tell me where you purchased them? Thanks so much, S
Stephanie, Here they are on ikeas website… http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/00202079/
You posted that the organization boxes in the Alex drawer are from IKEA…any idea what they are called? I have looked at all of their clear boxes, their cutlery drawer organizers, and drawer dividers and there doesn’t seem to be anything like those.
Thanks in advance!
Im sorry, I dont remember what it was called but it was in the kitchen section… Very generic looking drawer organizers in a stack.
I would love to see how you organized all drawers of the Alex unit…headed to Ikea on Saturday, they just opened Home Goods by my home a few months ago, and I am ready to shop and sort!
I have five children, run two home based businesses, I am a financial advisor who not only teaches debt free living (love your blog on that, by the way…thanks for spredding the good news), but am able to offer all of the best products and options for my clients, and my office has taken over my life like a Virus! LOL! I meet all my clients at our central office or, more typically, in the comfort and privacy of their home…and I think that is why I let it get away from me. Thank you SO much for putting in words and pictures what I have envisioned for so long! OUT with the pieced together college dorm room dysfunctional pieces and in with the new, beautiful, organized pieces which will turn my office back into the space I USE to love and enjoy being in for hours at a time!
I just found you through Pinterest and I must say I love your details in your post. I actually just bought a vintage cart at a yard sale a month ago with no idea what it was going to get used for, but I loved it. Our home is very tiny and holds our family of 7. With no room for an office, paperwork has become our nemesis. I think I just discovered the use for that cart. Thank you for sharing your office and the details and beautiful photos. This truly serves as an inspiration for me to tame that paperwork beast.
Hello!! I love this office! I am currently in the planning stages of a double home office for our new home. I live your filing system!! Where is the filing system from??
Thanks 🙂
Its from the container store. 😉
Hi! What are the size of Elfa system did you use? Narrow or medium? And how tall for the baskets?
I have a binder system that I love after years of fighting with hanging file folders. Each member of the family has a binder that holds their medical, dental,copy of legal stuff, school paperwork ect. thanks to clear paper protectors and dividers. Then there’s one for the house for manuals and a copy of the inventory list for insurance. In the safe is another binder that holds SS cards, credit cards, birth cert, shot records,insurance/inventory and anything else that is vital. My husband also has a binder for all this most important military papers. Now I know exactly where everything is and I can flip right to it..no more lost papers or mangled mess!
I love that office! But I most of all love the fact that I’m not the only crazy person who stores the books according to colors =) To be honest, it also makes it easier for me to find my books as I seem to remember the colors of their spines very well. Thanks for sharing.
I keep my house organized, but I always end up with a box of random small things and piles of papers. This article may have finally solved a dilemma I never could. Thank you!
Where is your printer cabinet from??
Target. 🙂
Wow! Love this! I really need help in organizing, so thank you so much for this! Now to just get myself motivated…!
Also, I feel compelled to say I spy the book ‘Outlander’ on your shelf. My absolute favorite book series!! 🙂
I LOVE your home office — it is so neat, colorful and organized! I will have to pin it for inspiration — my home office is so disorganized and messy that it would send any organization-loving person into a panic attack! I gotta get to work on that room!
What type of folders do you use in your rainbow binders? They look like they are plastic.
Yes they are envelope style plastic. 🙂
Hi there!
I LOVE your office! You have shared so many wonderful ideas – I just want to thank you! It’s very inspiring to me (as are a lot of your posts). I can’t tell you how many times I have come back to this post in particular – it may just be my favorite. 🙂
I love the binder idea – do you mind sharing how you utilize them and how they work in conjunction with your filing system. I am in the process of an office filing overhaul and am looking for some new strategies. I am so interested in how you put this together.
Thanks so much for your consideration and for sharing your spaces with us!
I love all the ideas except color organizing the books, I am the type of person that all Harry Potter needs to be together all eragon books and so on and so forth
I just found your site on Pinterest. I have been trying to talk myself into organizing my desk. This is just what I needed to get started. Love how easy you make it for us to be organized. Thanks!!!!!
I came across your website looking for ways to organize my laundry room and home office. Your organizational skills are amazing! Thank you for making this overwhelming task easier for me!
Thank you!! 🙂
Love your Organization 101! I can’t find the colorful binders that you used from Staples. Can you share the name, and what you used inside the binders (folders?) Thank you!
I was just coming to ask for verification, but it looks like they’re the “Better View Binders” from Staples. (These: http://www.staples.com/1-inch-Staples-Better-View-Binder-with-D-Rings-Orange/product_651739#desc_content)
Are you thinking of doing another organization series for the New Year? I’d love to sign up for that one!
It begins January 4th!!!
I love everything about your office, thanks for the great ideas!
Where did you get the brown purse with the rose on it that’s in one of your office pictures? Thanks.
How do you decide what books to keep and which ones to toss. I have so many children books that it is overwhelming, but I can’t bring myself to get rid of any. Is there a such thing as too many books? I have 4 shelves packed with just children books and only one child who cannot even read yet 🙂
Just discovered your blog through Pinterest. Reorganizing my office is my first order of business. Where did you get the label brackets that you attached to the “Alex” unit? Thanks!
Wow! What great ideas! Would you happen to remember where the green and white file boxes came from? The stack under the binders? Love the color! Thank you for the inspiration 🙂
Love this post! Curious, where did you find the label tags for the Alex unit? thank you!
I would like to know this as well. Thanks!
Where did you find that file folder unit that sits under your desk? That would fit nicely in my space.
Thanks and Happy New Year!
Kristia, I just bought one one sale at The Container Store. It was $70, reg $99.
Hey i love your blog!! I’m trying to organize my house and your blog is helping me so much! I was wondering if you have any other people having problems viewing the blog, i have problems viewing it, i was just wondering if it was my computer or if it was the blog? Thanks!
My “office” is my desk which sits in my living room. Right now it is not only not very user friendly but also very unattractive and uninviting. After reading your post and looking at your pictures I’m planning to remodel my “office” and I’m just outright copying some of your ideas. I’ve looked for other desks and filing systems and none caught my attention quite like yours has! THANK YOU!!! I’ve been looking through several of your posts and will likely be copying several things from you!
This is such a wonderful article. You have inspired me so much. I stumbled on this at the perfect time. Please tell me, on the red medical folders, do you put each person’s name and the fact that is a medical file, or just their name? I’ve created my labels and used only first names. Now I’m worried my husband or someone helping us in an emergency might not understand my system.
Thanks for sharing so much with everyone.
I would also love to know the difference between what is organized into those rainbow colored 3 ring binders, and what makes it into the file folders sorted by color. Please tell!
Hi! I found your website through pinterest and it’s really amazing how well thought out and planned your spaces are. If I could mention one thing that hopefully you could incorporate- it would be so much easier for readers if you had direct links to the products you used. I know that I frequent blogs that quickly and easily identify product. I pin these products onto a pinterest board, and then I go back after decluttering to purchase anything I might need. Thanks!
My head is spinning just looking at all of this. I have no illusions of ever being THAT organized… I know I would set everything up and then not use it as intended so stuff would just pile up anyway.
With that being said…wanna come do my house? LOL
I love your organization! You have motivated me to finally get my papers organized! Could you please tell me where you got the black file holder that sits on the top of your desk? Thanks!
I just found your blog and now I’m addicted. You have amazing ideas. I have the Alex unit from Ikea but I was wondering where you found the metal plates for labeling the drawers. I hope this post isn’t to late for a response. I look forward to seeing all your new ideas. Thanks for the inspiration!
They are martha stewart from staples. 🙂
Could you tell us what the difference is between the info in the hanging file folders, and the info in the 3 ring binders?? thanks!
Wow….love it!!!!! Where did you get the two chalkboard signs? 🙂
I have the same questions as several others: what is the difference between what is kept in the binders and what is placed in the files? Love your ideas!
Hi there! Love your site!!! Love your ideas! I have a question about the binders that I have googled for hours on end and cannot find the answer 🙁 What are the binders for? I bought some colored ones, the Staples kind and am sort of understanding what goes in there but not 100% sure. If you could even direct me to a post to follow that would be awesome! It’s tax time and I am trying to have everything organized before I get too deep in 2013 receipts! Thanks again!! Hugs!
I absolutely love your office. May I ask you where you got the galvanized, numbered boxes that you featured on your office shelf? Thank you very much for your help! Ilona
I purchased them from Pottery Barn last year. 🙂
Thank you for the look in your office! So inspiring as I get ours together, yours is so light and beautiful! I’m wondering where the magazine rack is from? Love that! Thanks 😉
Its from Marshalls. 🙂
Files, Binders, Mail Stations, Household Management Binders, Planners–Eeek! Can you please do a post where you explain how you use each one and how they intersect with one another? I’ve seen a lot of comments from people wondering how you decide what to put in the files vs. the colorful binders. I’m really interested in this, too. Paper pile-ups seem to be the bugaboos for so many of us, I can’t be the only one who’d appreciate some clarification and guidance.
Holy moly I love this so much. So so so much. Makes me wish I had an office…
Hello! I just stumbled across your blog as I was searching for a way to better organize my papers. Would you mind sharing what you choose to place in your binders for easy access versus what you might file away in your cabinet? Thank you so much! I ran out and bought the binders as I was so excited and now I’m home wondering what I might fill them with!
Where did you get your dish rack organizer? The one that you used for your binder system. I clicked on the link and it appears to be a different rack (it only has spacing for 5 binders, compared to the 6 that are in yours). Please lead me in the right direction. Thanks for all of your wonderful and creative ideas!
Love your blog! I too am wanting to know the difference between your file folders and your binders with the same titles??? Could you please tell us what the difference is between the two? Thanks so much!
So I still haven’t seen an answer to what you keep in the binders. I have seen lots of different things that you could keep in the binder but I am curious what YOU keep in there. See if I want to change how I’m doing it already. (same with the hanging files)
ancient chinese secret 😉
I was wondering where you got the metal star baskets on top of the cabinet. I looked thru everything and didn’t see anything about them. Love your website! Working on my rooms now! You have totally inspired me…hope it lasts! Thanks for all you do!
They are from Gabriel and Brothers about 5 years ago. 😉
Is that a vika desk? If yes, what size? I like the simplicity of it.
Melinda its the 78″ or so one. The longer size. 🙂
Hi your organization puts me to shame! I just wanted to know where did you get your Big shelf unit? (the one with all your books and boxs on) Thanks!
I’m not sure if this has been answered yet, if it was I can’t seem to find it, but was there ever an answer in regards to what goes in the coloured folders VS what goes in the files? I’m just trying to set it all up now 🙂 If there is anyone else who can give me some directions in regards to what they do, that would be great too! Thanks!
I love your office! I feel very fortunate to have a separate room for my office. I love the contrast of your dark floors next to bright walls. I was wondering what type of flooring you used? Thanks
How I wish my home office is this clean and spacious!!! uggh! Too bad we are moving again and I can’t start organizing my stuffs until we get to move and have everything unpacked… But the good thing is that, I can start all over again since I will be having a new space… how I wish it would be wonderful this time… ^_^
Question for you….What kinds of things do you put in the binders above (from Staples, the colourful ones…) if you also have a filing system with that same stuff? I am trying so hard to get organized and it doesn’t come naturally to me and this website has been a god-send. But what would go in the “HOME” binder that wouldn’t just go in the home files? Or Pets….? I have a Pet file for their vet records so can’t figure out why Pets would need a binder also. I just bought a new house and will implementing so much of what I am learning on your website so thank you a million!
You’ve really outdone yourself with this one. Fantastic organization. I’m really interested in this, too. Paper pile-ups seem to be the bugaboos for so many of us, I can’t be the only one who’d appreciate some clarification and guidance.
I was wondering where you got the label holders to put on the “Alex” unit drawers. Thanks!! Love your office. I am in the process of organizing mine!!
I just stumbled upon your blog.Your office is so colorful and organized! Thankyou for motivating me to organize my office!
They still sell the Alex unit at Ikea which I’m so happy about. Where did you get the silver label holders that you used for the drawers on the unit?
they’re from the Martha Stewart collection at Staples
I love your home office! 🙂 It looks so nice and it just seems to make so much sense. I’ve been having a really hard time redoing my home office. I always stick with dark wood furniture – either cherry or espresso. We have young kids and with all of my “jobs”, I don’t have mountains of time to clean. I shy away from white furniture because it just seems to get dirty so quickly! How have you liked your white desk and white furniture? I see all kinds of white desk and white office setups that I like, but never anything with dark wood furniture. 🙁
Love your lamp-would you share where you found it? Thanks
Isn’t it great?! Here is the original post where Toni talks about the lamp.
Charleston, SC?? I live in North Charleston!! Please come over and help me make my house look as great as yours! I am in love with your office!!
Hi.. I just found your blog and I have to say.. I love you! My office is a complete mess and every time I attempt to organize it, I feel overwhelmed and walk away. Thank you thank you for laying out a guideline and ideas of how to organize the many items that we store in our office.
Just came across this blog and now I am on a mission! Do you know if Target still sells the printer cabinet? Do you have a link? I have searched and cannot find anything similar. Thank you for all the wonderful ideas!! =)
the cabinet was purchased a while ago so it’s likely that it’s no longer available.
I too am curious about the difference between the binders and files. Could you please describe for us?
Where did you find the cute different size chalkboards, hung with rope? Thanks for the inspiration!!!
You can purchase them from the ABFOL amazon store <HERE>
I can’t find that colorful spiral sticky note pad! I want ti! Where did you purchase yours?
I can’t find that spiral sticky note pad! I want it!
love the office organizing tips. I found the binders at Staples…the ones with the black edges that fit into the bakeware rack. However, they come in different widths…1 ” or 1.5 ” maybe even 2 ” (i can’t remember). So what size do you recommend? There are also different dish racks. the one in the photo is different than the one you can click on and I think they may be different widths in between the racks which would impact the size of the notebook. what rack do you have?
The rack the link takes you to is perfect for 1″ binders (it’s the exact one that I have, with the Better Binders from Staples). The rack Toni has is no longer available.
and I should add, that the rack is adjustable so if you were to use 2″ binders, you’ll, obviously, not be able to fit as many but they will fit between the dividers.
Hi there. Love the office supply drawers you had. Particularly the drawer with sharpie and markers. Where did you get that drawer divider in it?
I believe Toni purchased the divider from IKEA.
In your filing cabinets, do you use just hanging files or do you put Manila files inside hanging files?
A little of both 🙂
Where did you find the drawer trays you placed in the Alex system in your office?
I believe Toni bought those at the Container Store.