We are in the kitchen today. This is one of my favorite spaces to purge. It will be an easy day for you, promise!
DAY 7: Spices
Today I would like for you to pull out all of your spices. Check the expiration dates and purge the expired ones. Make list of what you’re purging, so you can replace them with fresh new spices. Now put the rest back into your spice cabinet, in an organized manor. Lazy Susans are a great way to store spices. Drawers are also a great option.

Once you’re finished, share a picture of your spices on Instagram and use the hashtag #purgetheclutterwithabfol. Don’t forget to tag me @abowlfulloflemons. Remember this challenge should only take 5 minutes each day. Let’s purge!
Tags: 30 day purge, declutter, kitchen organization
30 Day Purge, Blog, Clean, decluttering Posted in