I am in love with my new table from World Market. Its the Sourav table and benches. I got it on sale, regularly $499, and with the sale and 25% coupon, It came to $332.00. The benches were on sale from $199 to $139 each.
My three kids
Need to paint the “H” black
My to do list in this room:
1. Curtain Panels
2. Paint the “H” black
3. Order a picture of Gavin
I have turned into a minimalist… purging the un-necessary clutter from all spaces. It feels refreshing & clean.

Decorating, Dining Room Posted in
I think the H is great in gold. It accents well with the clock. Love reading you blog 🙂 wishing my home was half as organized!
I didnt even see that! Thanks. I wasnt sure what color to have it? Thanks for visiting my blog. 🙂