Stylish blogger award…

February 10, 2011

Doehler Days awarded me another Stylish Blogger Award.  I never get tired of seeing these in my inbox… I am so grateful and appreciative whenever someone recognizes my blog as “stylish”.  Thank you so much!

3 comments on “Stylish blogger award…

  1. Jennie says:

    You are TOTALLY stylish! Great job! You deserve it:)

    Jennie {Cinnaberry Suite}

  2. Ms Jeannie says:

    Congratulations.. it is always nice when one comments on the hard work one does to help keep things positive and hard working.. CONGRATS again.

    Ps I know you became a follower of my on my other blog (Untamed Thistles.. well I had some google/blogger issues and have had to delete google act and start anew.. I hope you will visit me at my new place.. One Cherry Shy Of A Bushel )

  3. CAS says:

    Congratulations, you deserve it!

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