I am a total amateur when it comes to gardening, but I have found that I love spending time there. This is my third year planting an organic garden. I’m trying to find ways to keep the pests & diseases away… reading lots of books. Those pesky green horn worms got to my tomatoes last year & the cabbage worms attacked my cabbage. My zucchini also fell prey to a fungal disease & wilted before I got one good zucchini from it. I wish I knew a seasoned gardener who I could pick their brains and learn from them. Its both hard work & rewarding at the same time. Its also therapeutic and relaxing. I have been spending a bit of time in my tiny little garden this week. I got most of the seeds sown. Cucumbers & squash is all I have left to plant.
I plan to can banana peppers this year. We love them in our salads, salsa & on homemade pizza.
Homegrown lettuce straight from the garden is the best!
The strawberries are about ready to bloom.
Romas were my choice of tomatoes this year. With so little space I had to pick and choose. I planted six.
I planted a few varieties of lettuce…
My little gardener.
Yummy spinach is fabulous in smoothies.
3 more banana pepper plants still need planted.
My sidekick!
We worked in our pjs this morning. 🙂
What projects have your been working on this week? Are you a gardener too? Link up and show us what you are spending time on. I kindly ask, if you are going to link up, please add my blog link button to your post. There are no rules to linking up. Go crazy!! 🙂

gardening, link party, One Project at a Time Posted in 27 comments
Love your sidekick….I can’t wait to start planting….we are alittle delayed here in Wyoming:-) Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting! Your pictures are making me want to go get my hands a little dirty 🙂
plant garlic next to your veggies – they keep away a lot of insects and worms. Tone
Not a gardener. But last year sometime I got this desire to have a lemon tree. My uncle was kind enough to buy one for me! It is always so close to blooming…then the blasted birds come and peck away the blooms. 🙁
Crushed egg shells sprinkled on the top of the soil will keep slugs at bay and if you plant marigolds amongst your veg they will keep lots of bugs away and look pretty! X
Anyone can do a garden. I live in a subdivision and plan to expand my garden next year to my back yard. I also want to add some fruit trees and blueberry bushes. Its so rewarding. 🙂
Thanks for hosting… Looks like you are going to have a great garden this year…
Yes, I’m a 100% garden lover! You might try planting some herbs in between your veggies, and possibly marigolds. Google which herbs to put in between what veggies. Typically pests do not like the scent of herbs, which I use all over the gardens.
Love your pictures. Gardening gives great joy. I hope your plants do well this year. There are so many wonderful organic wasys to help with the problems you mentioned. grind egg shells from boiled eggs in an old coffee grind to keep slugs at bay in your lettuce and berry patch, dilute milk to keep the mildew and fungus away from your cucurbits… hang in there. The longer you are at it the easier it gets- but you will learn for as long as you garden!
Love your sidekick – the boot picture is just perfect-cute. Good for you for doing this…maybe I’ll get a little dirty sometime this week. 🙂
Hope it is okay that I dialed it back a little and brought out some gardening related posts from last month that I hadn’t shared on your linky party. Your gardening chat got me all excited to share!!! Thanks!
This week we’ve had too much rain to go out and play in the yard 😉 SO I finally tackled a project that has been on the back burner for over a year…there is a Shrine in my Closet now…lol Thanks again for hosting and hope you have a great evening.
Fondly, Roberta
Love the boots shot! I think your garden looks great. I am having some problems also: something is eating the mustard greens, pepper plants aren’t blooming, and the yellow squash plants shriveled up and died. I’m going to replant with zucchini and hope for the best.
I just finished up putting all my flowers in last week! I just haven’t posted about all my planting yet! I only do flowers, but I’ve considered a small garden. I plant impatiens & wave petunias in a whole bunch of pots and then I also add impatiens in with the landscaping that returns every year in the flower beds!
My garden is growing, growing, growing too! I wanted to thank you for doing the post about the book “A Dirty Life” I quickly went to my library and put it on reserve and now I”m almost through the book! LOVE IT!!!
Thanks for always sharing such great stuff!!! Good luck with the garden…we’re hoping this will be our year!
love your blog…very inspirational!!
thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing!!! I love hearing what you are all planting this year. It gives me ideas… 🙂
I am a wishful gardener! We had the best intentions this year and then didn’t act on it. Bummer. There’s always next year!
Your garden looks great! We’ve been gardening too and we use Basic H on it. That stuff does wonders for it! I’ll link up.
How do you keep birds off your strawberries? Every time we get a little juicy one Mr. Bluebird decides that it looks like a perfect lunch 🙁
I love the garden, I really want one, but was not able to plant one this spring. i hope to have a Fall garden. I will hope to follow yours as well.
I’m dying to get out to my garden. The last of our snow just disappeared a couple of weeks ago. It is my plan to plant this weekend! This year will be the first year I plant something I can eat. Yours looks so pretty, hopefully mine loves me as much!
I don’t have a blog post on it, but today I started ripping out plants in our front yard. We have just moved into a house (our first one!!) so I have nooo idea what I’m doing! All I know is that I didn’t like those bottle brush plants, so I ripped them out, and I’d like to plant some blue plumbago plants! Hopefully it will turn out because if not, we are going to be the only house in the neighborhood with an awful yard!
I very much so envy your organic garden. The first summer I get a chance (ie: not moving mid-way) that’s my goal. Chances are, it won’t work. No green thumbs here.
Spinach smoothie? I’m intrigued but unsure…
I love spinach.. and I love smoothies.. hmm..
I’m a total amateur gardener too – but I love being outside. We’ve been really successful with zucchini and tomato in the past, so we’ll be planting those again soon. I would like to try planting some lettuce and spinach.
I love love love the ladybug rain boots!
Now I’m dying for fresh banana peppers! I never imagined growing my own!
I like browsing your blog… love these pictures of your garden! We always plant a batch of tomatoes, and sometimes some zucchini or bell peppers.