One Project at a Time: 12/10/13
Do I dare share how many days left until Christmas? No, I’ll save you the mini-anxiety attack. But, it’s getting closer by the second. We put our tree up this weekend and the decorations are all over the place, some still wrapped, some UN-wrapped but not hung or placed. My Read More

November POTD Erin Condren WINNERS…
Thank you to everyone who participated in the November Planner Challenge. It was super fun! This time around, there were 3 winners. The winners were randomly drawn via rafflecopter. If you are a winner, please contact me within 24 hours. If I do not hear from you within 24 hours Read More

Slacker-Friendly Organizing: Smart Storage Solutions to Pimp Your Fridge!
Between storing all of the leftovers from Thanksgiving & working on recipes for Christmas, our little fridge always looks like a scene from Hoarders around this time of year! I’ve been playing around with different storage solutions to try to find easy, affordable ways to maximize our fridge space, and Read More

Holiday Preparation Kit WINNER…
Congratulations to the winner of the Holiday Preparation Kit giveaway. Entry #5520 is the winner. (Trisha Kellick Prawel). You have 24 hours to respond to my email. Happy Holidays everyone. 🙂

November POTD Challenge Giveaway…
Welcome to another fabulous giveaway from A Bowl Full of Lemons. I hope you have enjoyed the planner challenges this fall. They were super fun. If you participated in the November Planner POTD Challenge, you can enter to win this week. Here is a link to the challenge. Good Luck Read More