It’s Saturday and time to get organized. We are entering week 9 of the challenge and will be concentrating on organizing the linen closet. If you don’t have a linen closet, organize another closet in your home. This should be a pretty easy week. It will be simple purging and organizing. Work fast and eliminate as much clutter as you can. You don’t need 8 sets of sheets and 20 blankets. If you haven’t used them in the last 12 months, donate them. Let’s get busy.

If you’re new to the challenge, print out the schedule and checklists below and begin on the current week. You can work your way back as time allows. For encouragement, join our Home Organization Facebook community to share your progress, or struggles, or questions. Or simply look through the photos and read how others are doing.
PRINT –> Free Challenge Kit

Sort through everything in this space. Create a donation box and commit to removing any unused items. Simplify as much as you can this week.
PREPARE: Designate 4 piles, one for each of the following.
- Keep
- Donate
- Trash/Recycle
- Other Room
- Empty all of the shelves, dividing everything into the 4 piles listed above (or more if needed). Toss the trash and put the donations in a trash bag and place in your car (so you can donate right away).
- Wipe down the shelves, door, molding, etc.
- Sweep & Mop the Floor
ORGANIZE: It’s time to organize everything in the “keep” pile. When organizing, remove one item at a time, categorizing it. Below are some examples of categories you can use in your linen closet. Keep similar items together.
- Twin, Full, Queen, King Sheets
- Winter Bedding
- Throw Blankets
- Quilts
- Extra Pillows/Pillowcases
- Curtains

My linen closet is small and oddly shaped so I had to be creative with the organization in here. It also doubles as a utility closet.

I store extra pillow cases, towels, curtains, and cleaning miscellaneous in this space. You won’t see bedding because we keep the extras in our bedrooms.

This shelf is used to store essential oil diffusers, Scentsy warmers, vacuum attachments, sewing miscellaneous and cleaning products for this wing of the house. (It’s above our garage).

I store extra linens on this shelf. The bins are labeled curtains, hand towels, (seasonal) pillow cases, and microfiber cloths.

I have plans to use these curtains throughout the house. That’s a project for another day.

I love this closet. I have a place for everything and it’s easy to find what I’m looking for quickly.

Here are few blog posts that will inspire you to get your Linen Closets organized.

For the perfect companion guide to our challenge, purchase The Complete Book to Home Organization. It includes all 14 weekly challenges as well as a ton of inspiration and tips about the spaces we will be organizing. No need to log onto the computer for ideas, this manual has it all!

If you need more guidance on cleaning your house, be sure to pick up The Complete Book of Clean. It has tons of tips and checklists that will teach you how to get your homes sparkling clean.

Purge your linen closet this week. It should only take one day. You can do it! Share your progress on Instagram using the hash tag #abfolchallenge, blog about the weekly challenges, and share your before and after pictures over at my Home Organization group here. Hold yourself accountable and finish all 14 challenges! Good luck. I’ll see you back next week for the week 10 challenge. Happy Organizing!
Tags: a bowl full of lemons, clean home, closet organization, declutter, home organization, linen closet, organize, organized
2019 Home Organization Challenge, 2019 Home Organization Challenge, Blog, Closets, Organize Posted in
Where did you get your storage bins? I love the color!
Love this room! Where are the cute bins from? The striped turquoise and white ones.
Hello Toni,
I love your blog, thanks for sharing!
Can you tell me, from where your bins in your linen closet are?
The blue and white ones with the bold stripes.
Your closet is very awesome and your post so inspiring!
Thank you very much,
with love from Germany