Welcome to week 5 of our 2020 challenge. We are finally finished with the kitchen and now we’re moving into the master closet. This is a fun challenge. Your creativity can really shine here. Have fun and get rid of all that clutter!
PS. If you’re new and missed the first 4 weeks, we’ve completed the laundry room, home office, kitchen, and pantry. Be sure to print out the challenge checklist and use it as a guide as you work your way through the challenge. It has a step by step process that you can follow.

I gave my master closet a good deep cleaning and purge this week. It feels great getting rid of things I no longer use. Sometimes I question why I hold on to things for so long. Nevertheless, it’s done and I hope I can inspire you to do the same this week. (My closet system is from Easy Closets. Learn more about the installation here and reveal here).

I moved my Ikea stand to the middle of my closet. I love the way it looks here (trust me it looks better in person). It adds more storage space for my out-of-season & seldom used items.

I purchased several new baskets for my closet. These whitewashed baskets are from TJ Maxx & Home Goods. I actually had to go to different 3 stores to find what I needed. They were a recent purchase so you may have luck finding them. The tags are from Target. (The faux flowers can be found here).

I organized all of my running clothes into the baskets. They are labeled:
- Solid tanks
- Scripted tanks
- Lululemon tanks
- Running shorts
- Running pants
- Lululemon shorts
- Running socks
- Compression socks
- Sports Bras

The unit on the left contains several drawers & more baskets.

These baskets contain t-shirts, extra perfume bottles, my hats, and wallets.

This drawer contains more running gear. I have running t-shirts, long sleeve shirts, race equipment, sun glasses, cold weather gear, and more running miscellaneous.

This drawer contains my winter scarves, swim shirts, swim suits, swim dresses, and sunscreen. The organizers are from Bed Bath & Beyond but they are no longer available on the website.

On the right wall, I have many shelves for shoes and accessories. I keep my shoes in clear plastic containers (to keep the dust off). You can find similar boxes here. I hung my necklaces on the side of the closet with command hooks.

I store all of my hand bags in their dust bags, to protect them from the sunlight and dust.

As you’re organizing and purging, dont forget to add your own personal touch to your space. Some faux flowers, a few perfume bottles, and a wedding photo warms the space and shows your personality.

To complete the challenge, I added a French linen chair to the space. It screams my decorating style (French Farmhouse) and makes the closet more cozy.

I hope you enjoyed a tour of my organized closet. If you want more inspiration, be sure to check out my other closet organization posts here. If you’re on Instagram, I shared a video tour of the closet today! I will save it in my highlights. Take a couple days to really clear the clutter and reclaim your space. It feels so great! I’ll see you back here next week. We will be organizing the master bedroom. Have a great week.
NOTE: If you’re a part of the Home Organization challenge, you’ll want to get the challenge companion guidefollow and cleaning bookfollow. Both of these are essential tools that will help you get your homes organized and cleaned from top to bottom.

Tags: 2020 home organization challenge, home organization, master closet, organization
2020 Home Organization Challenge, Blog, Closets, Organize Posted in