An Organized Birth Plan: What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag
I am nearing the home stretch of my first pregnancy, and with our Christmas due date right around the corner, I figured it was time to pack our hospital bag & share a few of the ideas we’ll be using to help our big day go as smoothly as possible! Read More

Five Tips for a Clutter-Free Workspace
Clutter. Paper clutter. Digital clutter. Endlessly filling inboxes and mile-long to-do lists. Does any of this sound familiar? Keeping a tidy workspace has always been a struggle for me. Fortunately, I’ve figured out a few tricks along the way that help make those clutter piles a LOT more manageable! Read More

Organize Your Workout!
I don’t know about you guys, but I hate working out. As a result, I am constantly trying to find ways to make it easier and more enjoyable. (Anything to trick ourselves into exercising, right??). Today, I’m sharing a few things that I did to organize my home workout gear Read More

Holiday Decor Organization
It’s two weeks into the new year, and if you’ve already packed up your holiday decorations, give yourself a big ol’ pat on the back! Personally, I’ve started wondering if my neighbors will be singing “Redneck Woman” because I’m seriously considering just keeping those Christmas lights out on my front Read More

Slacker-Friendly Organizing: Smart Storage Solutions to Pimp Your Fridge!
Between storing all of the leftovers from Thanksgiving & working on recipes for Christmas, our little fridge always looks like a scene from Hoarders around this time of year! I’ve been playing around with different storage solutions to try to find easy, affordable ways to maximize our fridge space, and Read More