
30 Day Purge: Day 9 Laundry Products

We are continuing on with another day of purging clutter in our homes. This is a quick challenge that should only take you 5 minutes each day. A little adds up to big results though, so stick with me. DAY 9: Laundry Products Laundry products can accumulate fast and before Read More

30 Day Purge: Day 8 Utensil Drawer

Hopefully you are feeling good about the purge so far. Let’s keep up the pace and continue with another hotspot. We are still in the kitchen. There’s a lot to purge in this space! DAY 8: Utensil Drawer Today is another easy purge day. Take everything out of your utensil Read More

30 Day Purge: Day 7 Spices

We are in the kitchen today. This is one of my favorite spaces to purge. It will be an easy day for you, promise! DAY 7: Spices Today I would like for you to pull out all of your spices. Check the expiration dates and purge the expired ones. Make Read More

30 Day Purge: Day 6 Cleaning Products

We are almost finished with week 1 of our 30 day purge. You are doing a great job. Keep it up! It’s time to purge your cleaning products. DAY 6: Cleaning Products For some reason, we (I) tend to buy a lot of cleaning products and start using a new Read More

30 Day Purge: Day 5 Shoes

We are coasting right along. Purging your home should feel good. You should feel a weight lifted off your shoulders because things weigh us down. It’s time to purge some more. DAY 5: Shoes Today I would like for you to go though your home and collect all of the Read More

30 Day Purge: Day 4 The Freezer

One of my least favorite things to purge is the freezer, but after it’s done I feel so much relief. Do you feel the same way? DAY 4: The Freezer Empty the freezer completely, purging freezer burnt food or food you will never eat. Wipe it clean and put things Read More

30 Day Purge: Day 3 The Nightstand

We are on a roll. Today let’s clear the clutter from another space that we see as soon as we get up in the morning – the nightstand. DAY 3: The Nightstand The nightstand is a convenient place to keep the things we use often so it can be a Read More

30 Day Purge: Day 2 Purse & Wallet

Day one was a great start to the challenge. Let’s continue with another culprit of clutter, our purse & wallet. DAY 2: Purse & Wallet By cleaning out your purse every week, you eliminate the build up of receipts, used tissues, and just plain clutter. I always switch to a Read More

30 Day Purge: Day 1 The Bathroom Counter

We have too much stuff & it’s taking over our lives and our minds.  Wouldn’t you agree? We’re organizing clutter and what we need to be doing is eliminating it. It’s time to simplify our lives & purge the messes.  I share a lot about organization on my blog, but Read More

30 Day Purge

It’s time to get ready for the holiday season and that includes purging clutter from our homes. The A Bowl Full of Lemons 30 day purge challenge will begin on October 1st. Each morning, I will post one item. Take 5 minutes every day and purge, purge, purge that item Read More