30 Day Purge: Day 10 Kitchen Linens
Purging clutter gives you the space to breathe and just be. Without clutter, your mind is more at peace and you don’t have to worry about all of the excess stuff. It really is a good thing. I hope you’re enjoying this challenge. DAY 10: Kitchen Linens We are back Read More

30 Day Purge: Day 9 Laundry Products
We are continuing on with another day of purging clutter in our homes. This is a quick challenge that should only take you 5 minutes each day. A little adds up to big results though, so stick with me. DAY 9: Laundry Products Laundry products can accumulate fast and before Read More

30 Day Purge: Day 8 Utensil Drawer
Hopefully you are feeling good about the purge so far. Let’s keep up the pace and continue with another hotspot. We are still in the kitchen. There’s a lot to purge in this space! DAY 8: Utensil Drawer Today is another easy purge day. Take everything out of your utensil Read More

30 Day Purge: Day 7 Spices
We are in the kitchen today. This is one of my favorite spaces to purge. It will be an easy day for you, promise! DAY 7: Spices Today I would like for you to pull out all of your spices. Check the expiration dates and purge the expired ones. Make Read More

30 Day Purge: Day 6 Cleaning Products
We are almost finished with week 1 of our 30 day purge. You are doing a great job. Keep it up! It’s time to purge your cleaning products. DAY 6: Cleaning Products For some reason, we (I) tend to buy a lot of cleaning products and start using a new Read More

30 Day Purge: Day 5 Shoes
We are coasting right along. Purging your home should feel good. You should feel a weight lifted off your shoulders because things weigh us down. It’s time to purge some more. DAY 5: Shoes Today I would like for you to go though your home and collect all of the Read More

30 Day Purge: Day 4 The Freezer
One of my least favorite things to purge is the freezer, but after it’s done I feel so much relief. Do you feel the same way? DAY 4: The Freezer Empty the freezer completely, purging freezer burnt food or food you will never eat. Wipe it clean and put things Read More

30 Day Purge: Day 3 The Nightstand
We are on a roll. Today let’s clear the clutter from another space that we see as soon as we get up in the morning – the nightstand. DAY 3: The Nightstand The nightstand is a convenient place to keep the things we use often so it can be a Read More

30 Day Purge: Day 2 Purse & Wallet
Day one was a great start to the challenge. Let’s continue with another culprit of clutter, our purse & wallet. DAY 2: Purse & Wallet By cleaning out your purse every week, you eliminate the build up of receipts, used tissues, and just plain clutter. I always switch to a Read More

30 Day Purge: Day 1 The Bathroom Counter
We have too much stuff & it’s taking over our lives and our minds. Wouldn’t you agree? We’re organizing clutter and what we need to be doing is eliminating it. It’s time to simplify our lives & purge the messes. I share a lot about organization on my blog, but Read More