Household “Bill Payment Center”…
Bill paying can be a chore… a painful chore. But it doesn’t have to be. If you are organized and on top of your due dates & your budget, bill paying can be quite fun. Today I am going to help YOU set up a bill paying center in Read More

Filing System Organization
I spent an entire day reorganizing my filing system into new categories, with updated hanging folders and a brand new filing unit. It was a long process, but one that I’m glad I did. With the help of Office Depot, I was able to transform my filing system into a Read More

Budget planner…
Keeping track of bills, paychecks, money, and budgeting is a JOB! To make life easier for me, I created a “Budget Planner” that I use to take care of the finances in our home. I purchased this planner at Filofax. Its the Aston (Personal Size) in Mushroom color. I find Read More

Organizing your schedule…
Finding a good system to keep track of our busy schedules was a hard task! My family is always busy! So organizing our schedules is a must. My kids are in baseball, dance, gymnastics, basketball, swimming, football, clubs, church, ymca activities, and lots of school functions. If we didn’t have Read More

Planner organization…
I think this is the most requested post EVER. I finally got around to sharing my planner organization, but not before I switched out planners. I am a planner addict and have already been through 2 planners this year. I like change and this is no exception. If you find Read More

How I organize with totes!
I use organizing totes for just about everything… My 4 yr olds “Away from home” toy bag My “Office in a bag” My Shaklee Cleaning supplies Cheerleading & dance stuff Going to the pool Going to the library Yard sale tote Snack time for sporting events (basketball, cheerleading, soccer, baseball) Read More

Home Management Binder
We all wish we could run a smooth household, but sometimes life catches up to us and things slip away. We then begin accumilating “pile-ups”… The laundry begins to pile-up, the bills start piling up, the dishes, the trash, the schedule, and the list goes on and on. Until finally Read More