Home Organization Challenge: Week 13 Launch Pad
It’s week 13 and we are clearing the clutter from our launch pads (aka mudrooms or the space where you keep the family calendar, keys, backpacks, etc).

2019 Home Organization Challenge Week 4: Launch Pad
The launch pad is the place where you drop your things when you walk in the door. It doesn’t have to be a big space and anyone can make one.

2018 Home Organization Challenge: Week 4 Launch Pad
Welcome back to A Bowl Full of Lemons. We are entering week 4 of the 2018 Home Organization Challenge. So far, we’ve organized the kitchen, pantry, and dining room. This week, we are creating an organized Launch Pad for the home. The launch pad is the place where you Read More

Office Tour and Organization
I have shared my office organization throughout the years. It has definitely gone through seasons of change. Since we are moving soon, I wanted to share one last time. I even included a video tour (below). Over the last several months, I have gone through the drawers and bins Read More

Home Organizing Challenge Week 13: Launch Pad
Good morning friends. Welcome to week 13 of the Home Organizing Challenge. This week we are concentrating on Launch Pads. This is the place where you set your things down when you walk in the door, where you hang the family calendar & chore charts, store backpacks, leave Read More

Organizing your schedule…
Finding a good system to keep track of our busy schedules was a hard task! My family is always busy! So organizing our schedules is a must. My kids are in baseball, dance, gymnastics, basketball, swimming, football, clubs, church, ymca activities, and lots of school functions. If we didn’t have Read More
Launch pads revisited…
Oh my goodness, are you gonna be wowwwweeedd by the amazing inspiration I’m about to share with you today. Im following up on last week’s challenge… The Launch Pad. I have browsed all of your challenge link ups and you are all just doing a wonderful job. I had Read More

My launch pad & some yummy inspiration…
I finally finished (most) of my launch pad. I have some decor to add to the shelf and I want to make a long bench pillow, but for the most part, its complete. How is your launch pad going?? Here is the shelf that I had stored in my Read More
Week #2 Challenge (the launch pad)
“THE LAUNCH PAD“ This week, Laurie from Handy Man, Crafty Woman is my guest host for the challenge. She is sharing her “Launch Pad” with us. I will show you the “beginning” of my launch pad… since I am doing the challenge right along with you all, mine is not Read More