Guide To Planning: Setting up your planning space
So many of my readers are fellow planner addicts, so I thought it would be fun to share some of my planning tips with you. Today I’m going to show you how I have my planning space set up. If you are a planner addict, you definitely need a designated spot Read More

Office Tour and Organization
I have shared my office organization throughout the years. It has definitely gone through seasons of change. Since we are moving soon, I wanted to share one last time. I even included a video tour (below). Over the last several months, I have gone through the drawers and bins Read More

Organized Project Board
Managing a household, blog, family, and finances can be difficult at times. I constantly try to prioritize and multitask, as do most moms. Using a planner has helped tremendously, but since I’m a visual person, I needed something else that will remind me of what needs done day to day. I have a lot Read More

Homework Caddy Organization…
School is back in session and its time to get the kids organized! I have three children so homework time in our house happens pretty much every day. This year, I created a “Homework Caddy” to make it easier for the kids to find what they need when doing homework Read More

Organizing Your Home for Homeschooling…
Today I would like to welcome a guest poster who will be sharing tips on how to organize your homeschool space. Please welcome Tina from Dynamic 2 Moms Homeschooling Adventure. Organizing your Home for Homeschooling Thank you Toni for your gracious invitation to scoot by your beautiful blog which is Read More
Poppin giveaway…
GIVEAWAY TIME! Anyone who knows me well, knows that I LOVE office supplies. I am truly a self proclaimed office supply nerd! I admit it. So when this company contacted me for a giveaway, I was giddy. I had never heard of Poppin before. They take boring office supplies and Read More