Part 2 – organize your finances week… (creating an envelope system)
Yesterday your challenge was to create a budget! Utilizing a budget is the first step towards financial freedom. If you can STICK WITH your monthly budget, you will start to see your rewards of diligent planning turn into a beautiful debt free life. Today I am going to share how to Read More

Part 1 – Organize your finances: creating a budget
We are always trying to figure out how we can organize our closets & drawers, but this week I’m going to share how I organize my finances! I am so excited to host the challenge for you. My wish is that you will truly see how life changing this lesson Read More

Week #6 challenge – Organizing Photos
Today I have a guest blogger who is going to get us organized for our week # 6 challenge!! Andrea from “She’s Crafty: a blog by Retrohipmama” will be sharing how she organizes her photos for scrapbooking. If you do not scrap (I don’t), then this week I challenge Read More
Week #5 challenge – kitchen organization (and a giveaway)
This week our challenge is heading into the kitchen. I’m challenging you to get your kitchen organized. During our 21 Day challenge, you organized your tupperware cabinet, spice cabinet, under the kithen sink, and your pantry. Now it’s time to organize the rest of the kitchen. Place like items with like Read More
Weekly Challenge #4 (gift wrap station)
Today my guest poster is Danita from Delightful order. I found danita through blog land and was just amazed at her talent in organizing. The first thing that caught my eye was her pantry. Now, thats an organized pantry. (Drooling over it still). I thought there was no better Read More
Week #2 Challenge (the launch pad)
“THE LAUNCH PAD“ This week, Laurie from Handy Man, Crafty Woman is my guest host for the challenge. She is sharing her “Launch Pad” with us. I will show you the “beginning” of my launch pad… since I am doing the challenge right along with you all, mine is not Read More

Home Management Binder
We all wish we could run a smooth household, but sometimes life catches up to us and things slip away. We then begin accumilating “pile-ups”… The laundry begins to pile-up, the bills start piling up, the dishes, the trash, the schedule, and the list goes on and on. Until finally Read More
Preparing for the weekly challenge
Im really excited for the new challenge to begin. I just finished loading my pictures on to my computer and I’m getting ready to type up my post. I thought I’d give you a heads up for what you will need for the first weekly challenge… A cute binder! Read More
The new “Weekly” Challenge is finally here!!
You all rocked the 21 day challenge & we had almost 300 blogs participating! I pray that the new weekly challenge will surpass the last one. We shall see! I have been anxiously awaiting to reveal my new blog challenge to you. It will start on Sunday, January 30th. I Read More