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2018 Home Organization Challenge: Week 11 Office

  Welcome back to the 2018 Home Organization challenge. If you are here today, you haven’t given up. Keep working your way through the challenge. It’s almost finished. This week, we’re cleaning out the home office (or space where you pay your bills, etc). If you are new to the challenge, join Read More

2018 Home Organization Challenge Week 5: Living Room

  Hi friends. If you are here today, that means you haven’t given up and you are pushing through the chaos. Good for you! We are in full swing of the 2018 Home Organization challenge and you are doing an amazing job! If you’re new to the challenge, so far we’ve organized Read More

Homebuilding Week 3: The Pad & My Dream Book

We just finished up week 3 of our homebuilding journey. This week, they completed the building pad and the compaction test. The build is moving along smoothly (so far). I know there will be wrinkles down the road, but we are thankful for every good day and are enjoying the Read More

Bathroom Organization & You Tube Channel Launch!

I spent the past several days decluttering and organizing my master bathroom. With the help of INTERDESIGN products, I was able to completely organize the space. I recorded this project and uploaded it to You Tube. For in depth details of the space, be sure to watch my video below and visit Read More

2017 Home Organization Challenge Week 11: The Office

Welcome back to the Home Organization challenge. We are almost finished! This week, we’re cleaning out the home office (or space where you pay your bills, etc). If you are new to the challenge, join us this week and complete the first 10 challenges when you have the time. Let’s get started. Read More

My Organized LuLaRoom & Shipping Station

If you haven’t already heard, I’ve decided to venture into the fashion world and become a LuLaRoe Fashion Retailer (I’m super excited). I’ve always wanted to own my very own shop and this is (by far) the best of both worlds. I am still able to work from home and Read More

2017 Home Organization Challenge: Week 5 Living Room

Welcome back to the Home Organization challenge. So far, we’ve organized the kitchen, pantry, dining room and set up a launch pad. This week, we’re clearing the clutter and organizing the living room. If your living room is well lived in, you probably have a lot to do this week. Read More

Organized Project Board

    Managing a household, blog, family, and finances can be difficult at times.  I constantly try to prioritize and multitask, as do most moms. Using a planner has helped tremendously, but since I’m a visual person, I needed something else that will remind me of what needs done day to day.  I have a lot Read More

10 Ways To A Perfectly Organized Office

The biggest source of clutter in the home usually comes from the home office. Paper clutter – including junk mail, school papers, work related documents, and bills are typically scattered among piles of books, pens, pencils, magazines, and who knows what else. There are 10 things you can do today to Read More

Home Organization Challenge Week 11: The Office

We have arrived at week 11 of the Home Organization 101 Challenge. This is my favorite week, the office.  There’s something about organizing pens and sticky notes that gets me every time. The paperwork, not so much, but it’s something that has to be done. If you’re drowning in paper Read More