Search results for: Magazine

Green options in the laundry room part 3

Green up your laundry room part 3 {Soft Fabric Concentrate & Soft Fabric Dryer Sheets} This the last part of my “Green up your Laundry Room” Series.  In the first part , I talked about Nature Bright, the all natural bleach alternative. In the second part of the series, I talked Read More

Week #6 challenge – Organizing Photos

  Today I have a guest blogger who is going to get us organized for our week # 6 challenge!! Andrea from “She’s Crafty: a blog by Retrohipmama” will be sharing how she organizes her photos for scrapbooking.  If you do not scrap (I don’t), then this week I challenge Read More

My gift wrap station & a guest…

I finally finished creating a functional gift wrap station!  It is housed in my armoire, in my master bedroom. (You can see my new paint color in the picture below).  I am so glad I have created this space. Now it will be much easier to get a gift ready Read More

Week #3 Challenge (Recipe Binder)

{Creating a Recipe Binder} My challenge for you this week is to create your own “recipe binder”.  Every since I created my first binder, I have been collecting recipes from the internet, library cook books, magazines, etc… All I have to do is either print them out from online or Read More

The thirty one winner…

The winner of the Thirty One Organizing utility tote goes to comment #309… Sheila said… I LOVE the magazine totes on page 10 of the catalog. I could totally see those in my bathroom. February 3, 2011 4:28 PM  Sheila please (email Michelle) to let her know you are the winner of Read More

Week #2 Challenge (the launch pad)

“THE LAUNCH PAD“ This week, Laurie from Handy Man, Crafty Woman is my guest host for the challenge.  She is sharing her “Launch Pad” with us.  I will show you the “beginning” of my launch pad… since I am doing the challenge right along with you all, mine is not Read More

My love for jadite…

For as long as I can remember, I have loved the color “Jadite”.  It reminds me of my childhood & spending time in my grandmothers kitchen, watching anxiously as she baked her delicious recipes.  I love the vintage feel of this chic color.  Country Living I have incorporated jadite into Read More

I’ve always wanted to be a mom… but I got much more than I bargained for!  I’m a mother of 3, an accountant, taxi driver, housekeeper, wife of almost 14 years, chef, organizer, teacher, volunteer, comforter, nurse, photographer, sister, daughter, blogger, entertainer, veteran, christian, and so much more!  I love Read More

Thanks so much for visiting my new blog!  I hope everyone had a great weekend. Please come back to visit tomorrow when I have some new things to share with you. Don’t forget to support my blog by grabbing my button! and…Please “follow” my blog.Im also on Twitter & Facebook Read More