Household Budgeting: Day 1 – Assemble your Binder
Welcome to A Bowl Full of Lemons “2013 Budgeting Series”. This week I will help you get your budget planned & organized and help you create a system that will get you out of debt. We will be organizing it one step at a time. If you already have a Read More

Budgeting Percentages…
Once you’ve established a budget for your household, you may wonder whether or not the amounts you’ve set are reasonable. After all, you don’t want to fall back into bad habits of overspending in certain areas, and you most likely want to be paying down debt at a manageable pace Read More

Cash Budgeting: Do I really need to track every dollar?
If you’re operating from a cash budget in key spending categories, chances are you go to the bank each pay period and withdraw a certain number of 20’s, 10’s, 5’s, and 1’s. Then you distribute the bills to envelopes or your wallet sections based on your pre-determined budget amounts. From Read More

What budgeting software is best for you?
  Back in December, I spoke of the wisdom of cash budgeting and how research shows that most people spend less when they’re faced with the pain of parting with actual cash. I also acknowledged that there are categories for which it’s usually not practical to deal in cash—specifically Read More

Budget planner…
Keeping track of bills, paychecks, money, and budgeting is a JOB! To make life easier for me, I created a “Budget Planner” that I use to take care of the finances in our home. I purchased this planner at Filofax. Its the Aston (Personal Size) in Mushroom color. I find Read More

“Budget” First Aid…
I love the start of a new year. It means a fresh calendar, pretty & practical organizing pages to print and try out in my binder, a list of books I’d like to read over the next 52 weeks, and anticipation of what the coming months hold. However, it can Read More

Cash budgeting…
Isn’t a cash budget so “last century?” Image courtesy ofFreeDigitalPhotos.net I know what some of you are thinking when you read blog posts or articles about using a cash budget. “Why would I do something so archaic when there’s an app/software/tool/etc. for tracking my spending? Get with the times!” I Read More

Your Christmas spending plan…
Your Christmas Spending Plan We’re fast approaching that time of year when Christmas shopping moves into high gear, typically kicked off by Black Friday sales the day after Thanksgiving. According to a consumer spending survey by the National Retail Foundation, the average holiday shopper will spend $749.51 this year Read More

The Money Class…
I am so excited to share with you something that is coming up tomorrow (January 9th) at 9pm. If you have not yet heard of it, its a new tv series called “The Money Class” by Susie Orman & its on OWN (Oprahs network). I absolutely LOVE Susie Orman & Read More